Monografija je dostupna u Repozitoriju Učiteljskog fakulteta u Rijeci na otvorenoj poveznici:
Izvadak iz Predgovora: The globalization processes in society promote the globalization of education and affect the speed of changes in education. It is important to develop a system that directly and indirectly enables the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, but at the same time develops educational and socializing values in pupils and students. The challenges of modern education are reflected in the competent planning, organization, management and evaluation of the process, as well as in the systematic development of teaching methods and strategies that promote active learning of subjects in the process. This requires professional and societal consensus, networking, and international collaboration.The papers presented provide an overview of theoretical starting points and implications for practice, innovative approaches to education, and critical discussions worthy of consideration in the context of ongoing reflection and questioning of the scope of modern approaches to education.